Sunday, January 18, 2015

Striped Shortbread

Mek me tell you about Striped Shortbread . This oven baked Fudge Striped Shortbread Cookies are so delicious. So certainly I want to share it with my neighbors. These cookies fly off the shelf faster than anything else.

Striped Shortbread has become my all time favorite cookie. This Striped Shortbread can be purchased at Dollar Tree. Whenever I stop in, I purchase three packs. I encourage my neighbors to also eat cookies in moderation.

This is a 13 ounce cookie for $1.00 imagine that, the package has four trays with eight in a row. For me, I take in a sandwich bag for lunch. Sometimes an extra for good measure. At home, I do the same.

My girls take three for lunch along with fruits. They stay fresh in a cookie jar. The secret to these cookies are take out the amount you will eat for snack. They are very addictive. Did I say that, I mean it. My children sometimes hide the cookies, even though the family eat very healthy they thought I was having it too often. I practice to have a sweet after each meal.

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