Sunday, November 22, 2015

Dearest Mother

Dear Mother,

                    You held my hand as a child

                    We hopped and skipped across rocks at the pond
                    You taught me names of trees.
                    Oh Mother I remember so well, Grandpa was a Park Ranger
                    He too held your hand as a child.
                    As a child I never left your side

                    My dearest Mother as I lay with you

                    Gently clasping your frail hands in mine
                    Your hands touching my face
                    Smiling and gazing in your eyes knowing you are with me
                    To see you go from strong to weak
                    Mother this is your journey
                    Holding your hands as it fits tightly in mine

By: Angelita B.

***If using poem, please give credit, for these poems are originals!

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