Thursday, November 26, 2015

Back To Our Basic Excercise

I enjoy walking in the park with my daughters we sometimes stop and  watch the geese or simply follow along the stream but taking pictures is among one of my favorite thing I like to do in the park. The beauty of nature makes me linger and gaze a while longer in the park, and I am captivated by the park.

Here in Pennypack Park, we have a number of wild life. Birds of various species chirping and whistling in the branches of  trees. The constant bustle in the park of  runners, walkers, cyclist and the avid nature lovers. On my trails, I have a camera and binoculars, I am constantly reminded by my daughters to stop taking pictures...("Mom, will you come on? You are not a photographer!").

I will share my adventures of what I like to do as I walk in the park. There are several parks around the city where you will find the same wild life. See how I have fun in as I walk the trails with my favorite girls. 

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