Saturday, June 6, 2015

Bargain! Soup Greens

With much delight I head straight to the discounted produce section at my favorite Shoprite at Aramingo in Philadelphia; there I  have a selection of fresh produce. This selection is fresh if used same day or otherwise prepared and freeze.

Let me explain the way it works for me. Most times, I purchase multiple packages, sometimes I need it the same day,while the rest is cleaned and stored.

My favorite is the Soup Greens they only cost ninety nine cents ($0.99) regular price $5-$6 dollars. Here are the produce:

1. onion
2-3 parsnips
1-2 carrots
1-2 pieces celery
1-2 turnips
Herbs: dill, parsley, leeks

Here are the packages; I usually purchase 3-4 packages. My first thing is to sort,clean and discard the herbs. No need to shopping for onions because I just harvested four from the Soup Greens. All my produce is then peeled, washed, and put away in small freezer bags.Soup Greens is not only used for soup and stew.

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