Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Whispered Words

Inspired by a client who believed that people were entering her room from the bathroom roof, and they would sleep quietly on the shelf in her closet.  Upon investigation, this was unfounded.

Not myself today
Nothing made sense
Constantly murmuring
This isn't me
Am I simply fed up?
Conversations ended abruptly
No compassion in my voice
Meaningless whispers
Silent stare at the ceiling and walls
Unkind thoughts
No secret, I am not myself
Constantly dizzy
I shake seldom
I will stay home again, tomorrow
I am tired
Tired of doing nothing
They watched while I sleep
I scream for help
Security come,  no break in
But how did security get in
I whispered, "They slept in my closet"
Hoping I am not loosing it
Could it be happening?


Sunday, June 14, 2015

A Stranger

Morning care
Brushed hair
Mouth care
Side rails
Braided pony tails
Facing window
Watching quails
Stretching her hand through the rails
Motions for my hand
Her smile so grand
Hands warm from moisture
Massaging her hands gentle
Smiling as she laid upright
Comforting her head
Eyes glitter with gleam

Relieved by her spouse
Gifts, chocolate
Joy filled her eyes as they danced
Never been apart
60 years and counting
Leaning for a kiss
He pulled the chair closer
She stretched her hand towards him
Spoke less
More gestures
We held her hand
Tight squeeze and smile.
Stroking her hair gently
Her face like a glowing candle
The day has a start
The end we cannot see.

Sunday, June 7, 2015

Not Alone

She laid in the dark
Blinds drawn
Lights dimmed for comfort
Cascading waterfall
Flowing from a teapot
Light classical music
Echoing throughout the room
Her daughters laid next to her
Gentle stroking her striking silver hair
Clutching at her hand
They watched as her heart beat became rapid
Tears flowing down their cheeks
Hands resting on her stomach
Tightly closed hands

Saturday, June 6, 2015

Bargain! Soup Greens

With much delight I head straight to the discounted produce section at my favorite Shoprite at Aramingo in Philadelphia; there I  have a selection of fresh produce. This selection is fresh if used same day or otherwise prepared and freeze.

Let me explain the way it works for me. Most times, I purchase multiple packages, sometimes I need it the same day,while the rest is cleaned and stored.

My favorite is the Soup Greens they only cost ninety nine cents ($0.99) regular price $5-$6 dollars. Here are the produce:

1. onion
2-3 parsnips
1-2 carrots
1-2 pieces celery
1-2 turnips
Herbs: dill, parsley, leeks

Here are the packages; I usually purchase 3-4 packages. My first thing is to sort,clean and discard the herbs. No need to shopping for onions because I just harvested four from the Soup Greens. All my produce is then peeled, washed, and put away in small freezer bags.Soup Greens is not only used for soup and stew.