Sunday, January 13, 2019

Hands too Short

The change happened so quickly,

 Mother yelled from the bathroom,
 Patsy, I cant find my ass to wipe it,
It's true Patsy, my hands are getting shorter.
But I wiped my ass yesterday
No Mother,  I did that for you yesterday.
What? You were not here yesterday.
Mom, may I come in as I did yesterday?
No. I'm making another attempt.
Mother stayed there for a while, still trying
Haven't found it yet she remarked
Patsy, Patsy, Patsy sobbing
Mother, you need my help, I entered the bathroom.
She was pale and drained.
I hugged her, as I whispered you have daughters and sons.
We are all happy to do things for you.
Mother, your willingness to accept the help from us would be appreciated.
Your sons' wives adore you,
Patrick would wipe your bottom in a heartbeat
Mother chuckled,
You are so right, he would have opened that door and said Mother you are draining me.
When it's time to ask for help, whether its family or friends, please ask.

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