Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Whispered Words

Inspired by a client who believed that people were entering her room from the bathroom roof, and they would sleep quietly on the shelf in her closet.  Upon investigation, this was unfounded.

Not myself today
Nothing made sense
Constantly murmuring
This isn't me
Am I simply fed up?
Conversations ended abruptly
No compassion in my voice
Meaningless whispers
Silent stare at the ceiling and walls
Unkind thoughts
No secret, I am not myself
Constantly dizzy
I shake seldom
I will stay home again, tomorrow
I am tired
Tired of doing nothing
They watched while I sleep
I scream for help
Security come,  no break in
But how did security get in
I whispered, "They slept in my closet"
Hoping I am not loosing it
Could it be happening?


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