Saturday, May 17, 2014

Wounds of the Heart inspired by a client

Sores of the feet I walk no more
Alone. all alone to die
I cannot move
I wait for them, they come no more
I call, the bell rings
My thumb hurts
My hands are frail
They do for me no more
I am weak unable to move about
I shower no more
Alone, yes alone

The phone rings and rings
No answer, no visitors
They never come
Cards and gifts
They mean nothing to me
I want to feel, touch and hold
I feel pain being alone
They give me joy
Family is what I need
I need you now my hour is not far
Alone, yes alone

Make the Shoe Fit Like A Glove

Having a perfect fit is one component
Saving time is another
Shopping for kids in the shoe department !a headache!

So here is my secret to these three statements. GROWING UP IN JAMAICA BEAUTIFUL SUNSHINE, However my Mother had the painful task of shopping for shoes. This was done on the same day as shopping for groceries, buying produce in the market, shopping for cloth to make dresses. This was multi tasking, my Mother did this without such vocabulary term we have now derived.

This was my Mother traveling on public transportation to the market each Friday. Imagine that, I forgot about making stops to pay bills while walking. However I will share our secret, my Mom shopped for myself and two older siblings. Our job was to secure a book leaf from our writing book and trace our feet. Tell me how simply is that, we then describe our shoes of choice to our Mom. Here is a true story, one time my Mom brought  home a very ugly pair of shoes I cried so hard I thought I looked as ugly as the shoe. I will explain and demonstrate.

(1) Lay flat a 8 1/2 ' x 11' printer paper
(2) Use a sharp pencil
(3)Start tracing from the outside

Make Saturday a fun day, no more shoe shopping, this paper is now kept in your wallet. I keep mine in the car and in my wallet. I have three girls and whenever I see a cute pair of shoe, I am always ready. I hope this will be of great help to others.